Sitting and eating cheese, crackers, veggies & watermelon with Mom at noon today; the wind was not only sending a cool breeze past us as we rocked on the porch, but as it met with the leaves of the tallest trees, Mom said, "The trees are singing." We listened and noticed that the "tones" were different depending upon which trees our ears honed in on. Maple leaves gave a lower sound, while the poplars tuned in on a higher note. The tallest poplars sounded out the loudest.
This made me think of how each one of us serves God in the little corner where we're planted. Some people are "tallest", perhaps overseers, and heard a great deal more than others who are smaller but are used to shading others from the heat or storm. There are yet others who are seldom heard at all, but are always working in the background sounding out their notes in secret.
The Lord keeps track of each of His servants. He does not forget any one of His children's labors of love, whether done openly or in the quiet corner where they have been planted.
When we lived in the South, I could walk through the woods and see a beautiful tulip tree in the middle of the forest. There she was, blooming away for few to see. Her job was simply to bloom. I was happy to meet her there, just as Mom and I enjoyed listening to the music of the trees.
I hope you can hear or see the unexpected today.
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