Thursday, January 31, 2013

Building, By God's Grace

It's dark and still here on the Hill the morning, and I listen to the rain pelting the tin roof over the porch. The driveway is coated with a thick ice. When my sweetie will don his "grips", I know it's icy. He did come back in and slip them over his boots after trying the walkway when he left for work at 5 a.m.

I think I already posted this on a previous day, but speaking of ice this morning made me think of this peaceful pic of our front door with the icicles.

Syd's workplace is so busy these days. He starts at 6:00 in the  morning and tonight goes back from 5:00-8:00 for a few extra hours of work. He'll stay in town rather than drive the 19 miles home for just a couple hours. He assured me that a veggie supreme would be on the plate for supper. I packed him a good lunch, but just not enough for supper too! I read a quote today, "help me to focus on making a life, not just making a living." We all know this, but it's good to be reminded once in a while. Life can get SO busy. I am thankful for some the extra hours Syd can put in, as well as the job God has given me through the P.O., but am so much more thankful for the days that I can be home, doing some "building". On a day off last week, I was listening to "Sunshine on the Soapsuds" over WMUU radio station. These really do bless my heart. If you've listened, Beneth Peters Jones' little teaching begins with a quote that reminds us to let God teach us these things that will help us be "building rather than battering your homes." (not an exact quote) They've now changed the word "battering" to something else, but I liked that word.

How easy it is to "batter" things down. My friend Sarah and I have started a Bible study together. It is "A Virtuous Woman, A Closer Look", from Proverbs 31. Without putting the Lord first, we have the power to pluck our house down with our own hands. I am thankful that the Lord is all-powerful and that He is doing the work of making me more like His Son, Jesus.

Much has been happening in our lives, but here is a big highlight. Our nephew was married! I'll post just a few of the photos. It was a lovely wedding. A couple of these pics are Mom with her grandchildren and with great granddaughter, Meg.

with Willow and Jason...

...with Dustin and Bethany
 I'm sorry that I missed putting in a photo of Mom with Loken and Ahren...I don't have one from the wedding!

Machias and Diana! expecting their 2nd child soon!

Mother and sisters of the groom. Love this photo!

As you can see, Meg was a good subject. Isn't Jessie a beautiful bride?!

 I just loved this angle, but you can't see their faces, sorry
I handed my camera to Megan and she went around taking many good photos. She took lots of these, actually.
so sweet!

Syd and I have been praying for many of our neighbors here in town. We were thrilled that Carl and Tina came to Dallas' wedding! it was a good opportunity to spend time together in a place where the Gospel was clearly given. Please pray for many of our neighbors near Darling Hill.

The rain has slowed down considerably and I believe I'll get dressed. I'm so glad you stopped in this day. Take care!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happenings Here!

I cannot believe it's been a couple weeks since I've posted anything from Darling Hill! We're still here. It has been a chilling 15 below zero (sometimes a bit colder) and today's 40 feels like a heatwave. The doggies were so happy to be out running around in our sticky snow today. Squirrels still hanging off Mom's feeder at lunchtime. She and Sarah said that there were four of them out there this morning. Sarah goes out with a stick and threatens them good. We watched the red polls flitting all over the feeder after the threatening beasts were gone - no, not Sarah. The red polls come in droves. I believe they must just make their rounds between all the neighbors. They'll be gone for a few hours, then return to feed. As I was getting ready to go back to work the birds returned, only to find the squirrel had come to devour more seed. The flock of birds just covered the ground. It is a yearly occurence, but one that thrills us anew each year. The white field, just speckled with little brown birdies!

Mom went through a period of having no phone. Something must have chewed it or water got into a junction (though Syd checked the breaks and dried them out) Thanks to my wonderful hubby, our GO-TO man, she's up and running again. This time we had to run her phone line above the snow though, until Spring when we can get it into place correctly. In two more weeks we will have 200+ snowshoers hiking over Darling Hill. Syd is debating unhooking the phone the night before, to avoid any accidental tripping or "clipping" of the wire. It will probably be best. Our town hosts a Snow-shoe-a-thon each year. It is a fundraiser that has become very popular. Hikers, from all over the surrounding area, travel through the woods below Darling Hill, then come out right on top (where they enjoy the beautiful view). From there they make their way through Mom's field, then the neighbors field and woods to the Mountain School. Sorry for the fuzzy pictures!

I'm sorry we've been a bit out of touch here these days. Life is flowing along. The Lord is answering prayer in so many ways, and in the area of Mom's life. Thanks, all of you who have prayed for her and have sent beautiful notes. She is doing better and just has an occasional down day (as we all do). I'm thankful that she turns to the Lord and His Word, which is a wonderful example to me, as well as to all who know her. I keep reminding her that the Lord is using her in the lives of everyone she touches. Thanks for remembering her still.

The other morning I was heading to work, camera on the seat beside me, when I saw a HUGE bird (thought it was an owl) in the tree over the dirt road. Here he is:

This turkey was way up above the road. Till he raised his head I did not know what kind of bird it was
This is what I saw at first. Doesn't he look like a huge owl?

I will say goodbye for now. I'm so glad you haven't given up on us here. Will try not to wait so long between posts next time! Thanks for visiting.