Monday, February 13, 2012

A Great Website

I just wanted to share with you readers a great website that was brought to Syd's attention at work. Syd has been suffering with kidney stones and was given a book and a website that "might help". It is

This website has amazing suggestions for lowering cholesterol and cutting risk of Alzheimers. It addresses most every health issue. I won't go into depth but if you or family members are concerned about a particular health issue it is truly worth a look. I honestly thought that it was only trying to "sell me a book" at first, but after looking through it, I see that there is LOADS of information on every subject, and you don't have to buy the book to get it! I have been very concerned about getting my mother and husband OFF statin drugs for cholesterol, as they are proven "memory-stealers" and just plain, not good for you. There are two or three simple suggestions that we really want to try.

An example:
One of the suggestions for someone who may be suffering from cognitive problems: humor therapy. It was not this "laughter-therapy" that they've had in recent news. No particular "course" was being sold or suggested, but someone who is suffering from dementia-related issues can benefit greatly from humorous stories or anything that will cause belly-laughs several times per day. They did a 6 week study. One group of patients was chosen to get their daily dose of laughs. At the end of the 6 weeks they had shown significantly increased memory and mood over the group who did not go through the study. Follow-up showed that this same group continued to show elevated "good-mood" even 26 weeks after the study  had been completed! As the Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"!

Hope you all have a great day.

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