Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pictures of Rejoicing

      "Thou makest the outgoings of the evening and the morning to rejoice." Psam 65:8

We had a wonderful day with the church family.  There was good teaching from the Word and plenty of food and fellowship.  We shared "the Lord's Table" together, in remembrance of what Jesus did for us when He shed his blood and died upon the cross for our sin.  It was a tearful reflection of how much we owe to Him daily as He gave the ultimate sacrifice for us.

As I thought about all that I should be rejoicing in because the Lord has saved me, this verse came to my mind.  Even the sunrises and sunsets shout glory to the Creator.  They are a wonderful reminder to us that all of creation points to glorifying the God of the universe.

Through the years on the Hill we have watched many sunrises in the East and have viewed purple/pink reflections against these same mountains from the sun setting at our back.  Here are just a few.

As we head into another week I hope that you'll come to visit us on Darling Hill to check in on what is going on up here.  I do always pray that the Lord will give me something that will lift people's eyes to Him by sharing what God is doing in my own heart and how He is leading step by step.

If you read often, you have noticed that my blogposts are not always filled with Bible verses, though they sometimes are.  I do not necessarily mean to teach others by what I write, but often cannot help but share something that the Lord has laid heavily upon my own heart.  If the Lord might use it to bless another, I pray that He will.  Sometimes the posts are simply a piece of prose or poetry and other times it is just a funny happening of the day.  I hope that you will continue to read even though the blog does not follow a consistent theme.  It has been so enjoyable just to write.  All of my life I have written stories and poems that end up in a folder, tucked away on a shelf.  It is such a joy to know that anyone can now open this "folder" and read what is written therein!  Have a wonderful day and week.

I leave you with one of our moonrises.  During the Summer and Autumn months we sit around the campfire waiting for that moment when the moon peeks above the horizon and then rises so quickly into the night sky.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures!!I am always happy to see what God has laid on your heart to blog about.I always enjoy my visits here no matter what you write about.:)Love seeing you throughout the week.Missed you all today.
