Monday, November 7, 2011

Things I'll Miss

Peepers shouting at the tops of their lungs as we near the pond; the sudden silence upon approach.  We step away several feet and hear one single peep, followed by a small ensemble then the entire symphony begins again.  These are things I will miss now that
   the leaves have loosed themselves from twig and branch and
   the carpet lies thick underfoot.

The crackle of campfire and smoke that lingers on hair and clothes;
   this scent I smell when rolling over in the bed
   in the middle of a hot, Summer night.

Listening to evening birds from the deck as we await the red moon
    that will soon, surely rise between the darkening mountain peaks
    while a dog barks at nothing from a house below.

Walking down the lane on a moonless night with no flashlight;
    as we, once more, lingered too long;
    wishing to prolong the company of family and friends.

Webs strung in bushes, heavily laden with morning dew
    throughout an entire corner of the field;
    as the rising sun glints from and lightens each silvery strand.

All of these delights will return when the snows
    disappear; having already given us a taste
    of what is to come and eventually stay for many months ahead.

The Spring will show her beautiful face again.
    The tints of green will begin on the cottonwoods
    and spread across the expanse of mountains that we see from Darling Hill.

Soon we will revel in the bright white of Winter;
    and soon express how much we will miss it's glittering blanket
    across each field;  every color of the rainbow reflecting in the low, cold sun.
    Once the snows melt into the earth that awaits the springing to life again.

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