A blessing that I forgot to share, a new stove! It's not something we were shopping for at all. We've been using our little apartment-sized stove for many years. After moving out of the little camper several years ago a friend loaned us the little stove (which was quite a bit bigger than the one in the camper was). A neighbor called us several weeks ago and asked, "would you guys like an almost-new stove?" They'd had it 5 years, but you'd never know it, and were troubled about a part that it needed for the oven (the neighbor won't fool with anything propane if it gets broken). Syd got the new part and voila! a new stove! I thank the Lord for this unexpected blessing. The turkey will fit in this oven, even with our huge turkey roaster, which we haven't been able to use for years. I won't have to buy a foil roaster and bend it to fit anymore!
Due to an ice storm today, I will work at the PO during the afternoon, but this morning's corner was up in the "bath-room" which is simply a corner of our bedroom (only a tub and shelving). LOTS of stuff got thrown away after going through the plastic "shoeboxes" that house all our toiletries, etc. Shelves scrubbed down and now it's neat and orderly. No pictures, as the bedroom is still quite the "storage-area", having no storage sheds, etc.
The new "Butch" arrived. Poor little beat-up butch had to be thrown away. I would have let Stum keep him, except he's full of little plastic beanies. THAT's why he's called a Beanie Baby! |
The other night Mom pointed out a cute picture, as she was sitting on the couch beside them. I didn't think I could get it without waking one of them. Ruger was asleep on the floor too, but these two just seemed to need their picture taken alone. You know, some people say that dogs and their master's start to look alike after a while? Maybe it's just the hair and shirt color... One thing for sure, they're both SO CUTE!
Yes, they're both really asleep, no faking |
Today's sermon was from Mike Allison, a preacher whom we have grown to really be blessed in hearing. "Being Disciples". He really challenges me and provokes me to love and to good works.
Salvation is free; Discipleship costs
Thank you so much for stopping up on the hill today. We hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Take care in your travels, as it's icy in our corner!