God is using I Corinthians 13, with all its characteristics of 'charity', to minister to my heart these past several days. I have so much to learn! It has helped me to focus on love in many areas of my own life. Oh, in how many different areas and avenues love is manifested, lacking here and there, but by God's grace and working it even shows up as true in my life once in a while! I am thankful for the excerpts from Feature (a daily devotional that we use in our church) in these past few days also. God places us in our earthly families and in the Body of Christ along with all these other imperfect humans. Here we are, to care for one another according to His will. When a member of our physical or church body suffers (those aching feet, the left knee that hurts to bend, a sore back, weak heart, the recurring headaches, the list could go on and on) we don't cut it off, but we bind it up, cradle it, give it medication, and most importantly, pray for it. It is not up to me to make them better, but ask, "What can I do to meet their need and let God make them better?"
This is not explained well, but I wanted to encourage others to keep on keeping on with the Lord. "Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if ye faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:9,10
Just a note: One of love's characteristics is that it vaunteth not itself. My prayer is that this blog of Daily Musings On the Hill never puts on a parade. Everything in my life, and in any Christian's, is to only bring glory to the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Anything short of this is not love, and could even be show. I hope that sensitive readers will be honest enough to tell me if these excerpts become anything but encouraging, or perhaps sometimes "iron sharpening iron".
Paul & I just read this am 1 Corinthians 13. God sure is amazing! With Love, Susan :)