Wednesday, April 9, 2014


The Lord has an amazing way of meshing things together, teaching lessons along a particular vein throughout the day. As I was washing dishes this morning I was tuned in to WMUU Radio and listening to a Chapel Hour sermon from Galatians 6. Two things that stood out to me are:
We can be deceived into thinking that we are something when we are nothing (vs. 3), and that we can be deceived into thinking that we can mock God and get away with it (vs 7). HE sees when we either sow to the flesh, OR to the Spirit! It is a great comfort to know that God knows all about me. All around me, every day, there are opportunities for sowing to the Spirit.
"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10
As I meditated upon these truths, finishing the dishes, I then sat down to open God's Word. The first thing that I usually do is look into the devotional booklet called The Feature. Two lines from today's writing said, "Who we ARE is not what people see, but what God sees." "He observes everything and keeps record of it." This was taken from Psalm 34 concerning the Fear of the Lord.
"Come ye children, hearken unto me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord." Ps 34:11 
These two portions of Scripture (Galatians 6 and Psalm 34) prepared me for going out into the world today.

One thing that I do love about getting out among people is to get to know the needs of others all around me. We have opportunities at almost every turn to meet a need. Sometimes it is by an act, but often just by a warm smile or a word of encouragement, very often with God's Word. When I stay home for days at a time I do find myself getting very self-centered. I know this can never happen to you ladies who are home with children. You never get a chance to think of yourself much at all throughout any day! It can happen with those of us who spend too much time alone though; it doesn't have to, of course. The Lord gives each of us a different path. At this time He has me getting out at least 4 days per week to work in a "secular job", which I view as "sacred", as everything should be for a Christian.

I am thankful that he "geared me up" this morning with truths from His Word, to go out there and take the opportunities that are around me. When I sow to the Spirit it will be seen by God (and perhaps ONLY God). When I sow to the flesh, that will also be seen by God.
Lord, help me to see vertically before seeing horizontally; but may I SEE horizontally and only 
'do good'. 

"And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Gal 6:9

These new, freshly-sprung fiddleheads (no they're not growing in our yard yet) remind me that God's mercies are new every morning!