Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Hubby Update

Hello all,
Syd is in same day surgery as I'm writing this. We are hoping that it is truly about a 30 minute surgery, but we'll see. He'll have two stents (one in each kidney) to allow flow again. The right one is backed up due to a kidney stone too large and is quite swollen, poor guy. He was in alot of pain while we waited and was 2 hours late getting into surgery. While we were in waiting room something "moved" and he was even more uncomfortable. We hope to have him up and walking within a short time after he gets out and won't go home until we know everything's o.k. These stents will have to stay in for 2 or 3 weeks while they schedule surgery and decide exactly which surgery to pursue. The doctor said that there are at least 10 stones in there! No wonder he had so much pain. Some people experience infection following this surgery as their body does not like the stent material. They have no idea how each person will react. We'll pray that there will be no infections. I have been on the computer all morning looking up kidney stones and foods to avoid, etc. Certainly alot of conflicting stories out there!They will be sending the stones to the lab once they're out (in a few weeks), to determine what they are made of, this will help us determine a better diet.Thanks for all of you who are remembering Syd today.

It's a beautiful, sunny day out there. No doubt, Ruger is sitting in his window just waiting for our return; wishing he and Sturm could be out in the yard. Just lately we've been letting Sturm run free (in short spurts) but he's a real "runner" and acts as if he'll just take off and never come back. In early March we'll be getting a microchip inserted. After that (and warmer weather) I'll feel better about letting him just run off into the woods some. At this time, we tell Ruger, "go get Sturm" and he does pretty well retreiving him. Well, he's a Retriever!

We hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks, those of you who are praying for Syd. Thanks for stopping by The Hill today too.


  1. So glad he was able to get in for surgery today. We'll certainly pray for a good outcome, no infection, and wisdom for the doctors as they decide what to do next; also for wisdom for you and Syd as you figure out a dietary plan to manage this. God is so faithful and will meet every one of these needs! Thanks so much for updating us.

  2. We are praying for Mr.V.I had kidney stones when Salinn was three weeks old.It was way worse then labor...way worse.~Nikki

  3. We're praying for him!

  4. Praying and will continue! We know at home he will get the best of care :) as he recovers. Jonathan will gladly eat all Mr. V's egg salad if he has to give that up :).
    Thanks for the update.

  5. Thanks, you all for praying. So funny, about the egg salad and Jonathan (can't wait to tell Mr V!)
