These have been exhausting weeks! For a lady who wishes to focus on her home, being gone from it every day of the week is a matter of prayer for me. I am thankful, though, that these extra hours came as no surprise to the dear Lord, Who we serve, whether in the home or out of it. He has given the grace for the hour and has done so abundantly! I know that a few of you had already been making this a matter of prayer and I thank you for that.
You may or may not know that I work in 8 different Post Offices (covering for any postmaster who cannot be there on any given day) and also have a bookkeeping job here in our hometown. It seems that all the PMs have needed lots of coverage over this beautiful Summer season and my 12 hr/week job has had to fit in there between them all. I am praying that my September and October calendar does not fill up quite so much as July and August did.
I am sure that we Christians all do this same thing; when we wake in the morning we thank the Lord for the strength and energy to face whatever He puts in our path today. He surely does give grace and strength. My dear hubby has been applying for jobs online and hoofing it to many interviews. God has provided food from the garden and taken care of us through so many various means, including extra PO hours. I am thankful that I can be a help, not only in the home, but outside it also. The Lord knows my heart, that I would rather be home at least two days per week, but He has other plans for me at this time and is reminding me that, as His child, I oughtn't try to change His plans. For the believer, waiting on the Lord should be the easiest thing ever. I must admit that I have been guilty of trying to direct my own orchestra of life at times.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." ~Proverbs 3:5,6
What perfect verses to apply my heart to! It is a comfort to know that our God has ALL understanding and that He directs our paths. There have been people during these weeks who I would not have had the opportunity to speak with, had I not been in "God's path", but leaning unto my own understanding instead.