Saturday, August 9, 2014

To The Work!

I loved the little excerpt from my morning devotional,

"You are not in heaven yet; get up, get dressed and get to work!"

This lesson from the account of Peter's prison wake up call by the angel of the Lord. It's simply an illustration, but it does make one think!

A prayer request: Bob Nutting is an elderly man who is dying from cancer. As far as we know he is unsaved. We hope to visit him today or this evening. Whether you get this days from now or not, could any of you Christians out there please pray for him? Our church is already doing so, I know. Thank you.

As I was closing in prayer time this morning, the Lord brought two elderly ladies to mind again. He reminded me of them weeks ago and I should've looked them up. Olive and Miriam Kingsbury.
These two ladies used to do after school Bible clubs in the home of a friend of mine. It is where I first heard of the Lord Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for me. I looked them up today and find them listed as still living (87 and 95 years old) in the same hometown, just miles from where I grew up. Through the years when I was a child, they would call my mother on the phone or stop in at our house and ask her to pray with them for a particular person or need.

We never know how the Lord will use our lives to touch another person. Lord, let us get up and get going; working faithfully for You and waiting on YOU for the results until we get to our only "resting place", Heaven.

I share this with you because I love this photo of Pastor and his twin grandchildren. How sweet!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


This week has been quiet on Darling Hill. My hubby did take two days off to work on the house. Not only do I love having him here, but he spent time getting more siding on our gable ends. We can get a before and after picture soon, awaiting the electric company to come and put a sling on the electrical wires so that Syd can get up into the very peak. We lost electricity (storms in the area) for a few hours on Tuesday, so he even got to take the canoe and get a little fishing in at the nearby pond! an added plus!

I have no pictures to show for it, but we got a quick visit from our niece Loken and the family. We did enjoy it so much but can't believe I didn't take a picture! Little Jaden played hard with Ruger, as did Ethan. When Ahren asked Jaden what the dog's name was, he replied, "Yogurt". What a cutie pie! Megan is a young lady now. They all grow up too fast.

God has blessed through His Word this week...I leave that on the stand alone page above.

Focus, focus, focus (may even be our next series in our Sunday School class):
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in  your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin." Hebrews 12:2-4