"To be used of God; to sing, to speak, to pray. To be used of God to show someone the Way. I long so much to feel the touch of His consuming fire; To be used of God is my desire."
- writer, unknown to me; a spiritual song learned many years ago.
This is a post of serious thoughts and even not-so-serious rambles.
The property taxes are paid and this is such a relief! It is amazing how many things you can find to sell or do without when it gets into September and October, hee, hee!! The Lord is so good and provides in amazing ways. Syd is still waiting to hear from a job prospect where he has had three interviews. We are praying that he gets this job. At the same time though, I am praising God for a new headboard and bedside tables that he has been working on for the past few days and I have just LOVED having him home, being able to have lunch together and even to see him in one or another of my little post offices throughout the week. Last week an arm reached in through the window, holding a steaming cup of coffee! It's the little things that bring us such pleasure, you know?
Last night I was experimenting with gluten-free bread recipes! how hilarious! Maybe before this post is through I will have decided to show you pictures, though I doubt it! The white bread came out of the oven all nicely puffed up and beautiful but (as with the pumpkin loaf which rose nicely also), as it cooled it almost fell flat,or lopsided at least. I don't know if the barometric pressure added to this failure, or what. Eating the pumpkin bread is like eating a piece of pumpkin pie in loaf form. It is extremely DENSE, to say the least. Obviously I can only serve it to Syd, not company. I toasted a piece of each bread this morning and both are very tasty. Perhaps when (if ever) I perfect these gluten-free loaves I will share some secrets!
okay, I decided to show you the funny photos:
what was a beautiful, puffy bread while hot...settled! |
this pumpkin bread looked promising; rose high and nice. Cooling took all the air out of it! As you can see, I have no secrets to share yet. Will keep experimenting with gluten-free. |
"Be kindly affectioned one to another; in honor preferring one another." Romans 12:10
"Look not every man on his own things. but every man also on the things of others." Phil 2:4
This morning, these two verses came to my heart as I prayed for the needs of others. I prayed that the Lord would use me to meet someone else's need today. My heart especially goes out to those who have lost a most important person in their life, whether it be a child, dear friend or spouse. We are here to glorify God as we give out the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, "do good" and to "relieve the fatherless and widows in their affliction". While I sorted mail into little post boxes this morning the Lord was reminding me that every single person who I encounter is worthy of the same care as she who would be considered my very best friend. What have I got to lose in making every person who crosses my path feel special and cared for? Yesterday I meditated on the thought, "what have I to gain by thinking evil of another person?" I Corinthians 13 tells me that charity (love) thinks no evil and does not rejoice in iniquity. It "beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things". What a love to strive for; to ask God to make real in my heart and to make come out, daily, through my mouth and hands!
This is a special kind of Godly love, that truly believes and expects the best of others and situations! wow! Please don't quote me on knowing and trying to teach you what to think on these verses. I meditate out loud when I blog; daily musings. Putting things down in this form is such a blessing to my heart and
thanks to all of you who comment, when they are a blessing to yours also.
We gave our friend, Sarah, her birthday gift early. As you can see, she wastes no time unwrapping!
We three girls, at lunch today...
Ruger knows he can usually talk Grammy into giving him a bite. He also knows this isn't allowed! |
Thanks for stopping by the Hill today. It may be rainy outside, but it should be sunny in the Christian's heart!