Friday, November 2, 2012

A Prayer of True Worship

It is such a privilege to have a relationship with the God of this universe! Because Jesus reconciled me by His blood, shed on the cross, I was talking with Him this morning and spending time in His very WORD!

"...the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him." John 4:23

Oh, that I might worship the Lord with honesty in my spirit, complete openness with Him and with others, always in truth, never lying (even to myself) about my sins!

The word, truth, brings thoughts of God's Word and 'honesty'; it also reminds me of "reality". As a new Christian I used to think that the Lord just shields all believers from extreme sadness and tragedy. How untrue that is. Believers go through tragedy, heartbreak, trials and everyday temptations just like anyone. It actually sounds ridiculous to think otherwise now, but I suppose it was just child-like ignorance that bred that thought in my early Christian life. There is a 'rugged reality' that a Christian is taken through, to mold and to shape each lump of clay into a beautiful vessel that He can really use. What a blessing, to be able to go through any circumstance truthfully, with open face before God and man! If I do not let God have His way in these everyday "way"s, I will be a hinderance and a clog to His work and I won't be a "true worshipper" in experience.

We are often reminded by our Pastor to 'live what you ARE'.  I am a true worshipper, now BE a true worshipper!

Sunday morning sunrise; wish I'd been at Mom's THAT morning!
One other thing that it seemed the Lord was reminding me of this morning was; let others Christians be led of the Spirit into this reality of being a true worshipper. If I can help them along in any way, wait for the Lord to humbly take and use me and don't run ahead to "serve" Him...those thoughts as I mused on being a 'hinderance and a clog' to the Lord's work.

I hope you have a wonderful walk today; Christians, as you walk along in the way the Lord is leading you. Thanks for stopping by Darling Hill today!


  1. Oh this was so refreshing & encouraging, so TRUE! Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word us truth.

    God bless you!!!!!
    Hebrews 10:24

    1. Yes, Loretta! what a privilege to be a child of the Truth, and the One who spoke THE WORD!
