Thursday, May 19, 2016

Got a Stronghold?

I have not posted in so long. This is truly worth posting...

Facing Your

I have not heard a better sermon on pulling down Strongholds. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but MIGHTY THROUGH GOD, to the pulling down of strongholds.
Praise the Lord for Jesus' perfect example of being "full of the Holy Ghost" (Luke 4) and "led by the Spirit", and answering Satan with GOD'S WORD in every area that any of us can be tempted in!

If you're interested in listening to it, I truly hope this link opens for you.


  1. Hello,

    I wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed reading the archives of your blog. Your devotional thoughts have brought much comfort and joy to me as the days have gone by. The glimpses of life where you live are also so special to me; I am living in Alaska where I was raised, but I lived in the Ozarks for several years before we moved up here. I've never been able to shake off my love for the hills back home! Your blog reminds me of many things I love about those days gone by.

    Thank you for being a blessing for our sweet Jesus!

    Love in Christ,

    1 Sam. 12:24

    1. Dear Naomi, I have come back to my blog page, these years later. I am contemplating starting the blog again, but thought, "Why?" Thank you. It is comments like yours that make me believe that God had me doing it. I am praying about it.

  2. Please pray with me. These 3 years later, I am praying about starting it up again.
