Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Lord's Day Snowstorm

We had a surprise snowstorm that started during our afternoon church service. When I left my mother off after church we only had about 1 inch. When Syd took a peek out the window around 7 p.m. he saw this. In just two hours we've gotten a LOT more. You can see his lights at the top of the driveway as he's getting his truck cleaned off to get out there to plow. It takes him a little over three hours to do all of his customers and the church lot too. This is a wet, heavy snow so he doesn't want to wait till early morning this time.

We've been blessed with beautiful snows this season so far. I still believe that it's what Winter is all about in the north. The leaves fall from the trees and they go dormant for a time, building up all that wonderful sap. We all wait "patiently" for the Spring when cold temperatures at night then above freezing ones during the day cause the sap to flow & (after much work by those diligent sugarers) give us sweet syrup.

Look, they even make Pennsylvania Maple Syrup! I never knew...ha, ha!

Syd's PA Cousin made syrup this past year and we were blessed with some for Christmas
 I wanted to share with all you readers the lovely chickadee drawing that our friend, Hosea, drew for us. He is truly an artist. Thank you so much, Hosea. We are looking for just the right frame to put it in!

While the balsam log cabin is pumping out it's sweet incense; a warm living room, hot peppermint tea and snow falling outside all make for a pleasant Lord's Day evening. The dogs are curled up on the sheepskin. The only thing missing is my hubby. It is time to listen to a good sermon which will prepare me for a pleasant night's sleep. Good night, all.


  1. That snow is amazing!! We are only getting rain. There was a good couple inches on the mountain and the flakes were HUGE!!! Seeing Hosea's picture on your blog was really neat. :)

  2. WOW!!! That snow would be fun (now that we are home :)). Cliff's parents were iced in this morning. When we were in TN earlier this year we met a couple that were going to try sugaring this year. I wished we had more time to ask them about it. Have you tried the PA syrup yet? I just love the picture of Grammy R (below a few posts) that is my FAVORITE and I smile every time I see her sliding ... thank you for posting it again. LOL! Just saw that picture on Nikki's blog :). Hosea is a great artist!
    Have a wonderful last couple days of 2013. Back to office work here ...the blessing of it is I get to listen to messages all day long while I am working.
