Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mud And Sugarhouses

A March Stroll  
(I had titled this A February Stroll, when first written. This year February was too COLD)

Little tracks beckon us to follow them over the tall snow banks, between the trees, into
                                               woods beyond.
The temperature tells us that we’ll stick to the road.  Crust has softened now.  Only the small animals stay atop.  The fox prints show up from last night’s hunt. 
Ruger succumbs, to find himself chest-deep.

No mittens or scarf to encumber today.  Coats may stay unbuttoned.
The best part --- our boots need not keep out the cold and snow, but only

                                               the MUD – glorious mud!!

It's 40 degrees! Today I saw sugar houses with their doors thrown open and many trucks in their yards. Soon the sweet sap will be boiling!!
Thanks for stopping by Darling Hill. 
Happy Spring!


  1. I don't think I have ever been so happy to see all that mud!! :) It has been a LONG winter.

  2. Yes, it has. You'll be sugaring before long too!
