Saturday, December 15, 2012

There's An Individual In the Way

I just finished reading from God's Word and was not going to post this morning, but the Lord impressed me with such a wonderful comparison, that I thought I'd share it with you. Of course, I may not be able to put it into words but will try. The thought between 'individuality' and 'personality' was the basis. The Scripture was 
Matthew 16:24, "Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man  will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." 
I also read a statement in a devotional by Chambers, which said, "Individuality is the husk of the personal life." I remember VERY well being an 'individual' as a teenager and dealing with that individuality as a young believer. Still at times it rears up in defiance at me and at the Lord! The comparison came when I read 
John 17:22 "That they may be one, even as we are one." 
I had a personality deep down inside me, something that had been forming since the day that I was conceived in the womb. Having come to know Jesus Christ at the age of 16, this personality had already built up a tough husk of individuality, through choices and rebellions that I had made and allowed. Even as a new believer I hesitated to let Christ take that crusty husk away! When Jesus came in He wanted my personality to be conformed to His person; that I may be one with Him and with the Father. What a blessing! 

I think of this fiddlehead fern, breaking through the earth. Before it's beautiful green color appeared and before it could be used up to its potential and purpose for growing, it had to break through the ugly brown husk under which it had been 'protected' from the elements under the earth.

After hearing of the tragic events of  yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with these families who lost such young children. I could not help but think of the shooter though; the act of him truly "losing his life" in the Lord Jesus Christ would have prevented him from being so caught up in his own individuality that he would take precious lives into his own hands and end them so viciously. Every day we hear of happenings that would never have occurred if the individuals had given their hearts, their 'persons' over to  the salvation of Christ. 

I am just thankful to know Him and to know that He would even WANT me to be "one" with Him!
Aren't you?

I hope that you all have a sunny Winter day, and thanks for coming to the chilly Hill this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments on the tragedy in CT are SO true. It is NOT the guns we need to fear and 'regulate' it is the hearts of 'individuals' who do not have our Lord Jesus in their hearts! BUT there are those, so many of them, that want our God out of our schools, our government, off our coins, even out of Christmas, the birthday of his Son! No gun control will help until we get to the very root of the problem and promote Christ and his offer of salvation.
