Saturday, February 9, 2013

Abounding in Adaptation!

"Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased and how to abound; everwhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."                                      Phil 4:11-13

To be content in whatever state I am! It is really something that the Lord teaches us. I pray that I may learn it, as Paul had. He learned these things by God's grace and strength, repeatedly putting obedience into action, no doubt.

We have been seeing so many show shoe hare tracks on Mom's lawn this winter, though we do not see the hare. By God's plan, the long, brown rabbit turns snowy white so that he can "abound" throughout the Winter, with less possibility of being caught by the local fox or coyote.

I am reminded of the chameleons that we had as "pets" throughout my childhood. They were not your typical pet, but we did take them out and hold and pat them regularly. They were very loved reptiles! My Dad was not fond of dog and cat hair (though he did suffer our black cat, Angus). Chameleons did not smell bad & I never really thought of what a strange companion mine was until many years later! During Bible study last night my friend, Sarah, and I were sharing the importance of being able to change course in the midst of a day in which we had "planned" out our way. It is good to have a plan, but just how well do we handle it when the Lord takes us by the shoulders and turns us in another direction? The study is from Proverbs 31. This woman of excellence and virtue, no doubt, handled "going God's way" very well. In reading the text, she had obviously become a master of adaptability.  Our chameleons' color could be a bright green while lying on the green grass or a smooth leaf bed, then turn almost immediately tan or brown as they move to a branch. God had made them in such a wonderful way --"fearfully and wonderfully made", that they could get through life successfully, without being devoured by the enemy (of course, we know that this is an imperfect analogy, some of them just need to be food!)

This morning I read the verse, "God gave them their heart's desire, but sent leanness into their soul." An unwillingness to go God's way (repeatedly) brings "lack" to the life. To only want "my way"; to pull free of God's gentle nudge to turn about, is to bring lack of full fellowship with this perfect Father. Sometimes He will give us our request, but send leanness into our soul. What a sad way to continue through the Christian life. It truly opens us up to being devoured by the Enemy.

Syd and I looked out our back window a few weeks ago, to see a beautiful ermine crawling along the floor of our porch. His stark, white body was so striking against the brown floor! Imagine if he had refused to change color this year --if he had gone against nature and stayed his brown little weasel-self. For one thing he would not have survived out there in the white, winter world. Because he was in God's will he showed God's glory. It's another way of looking at it, but while this little ermine was out of his element (against the brown floor) he really showed up. He was white, in God' will, and the Lord protected him until he could get back to the shelter of the ground-floor again.

As I step out the door, there are those little snow shoe hare tracks, crossing our driveway. One day I hope to spy him and remember again God's provision of abounding through adaptation. The lessons in nature are truly endless. I am thankful to live in a place where these are all around us. I hope that you are safe in the snowstorm (or whatever storm you may be experiencing at this time). Please visit Darling Hill again soon. Take care and have a wonderful day.

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