Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Reminder of Praise!

It seems a gray day outside; rather overcast. The forecast inside is just the opposite. Today's kitchen sermon was one by Pastor Peter Laitres. He was a former pastor of my mom and dad's last church.
The sermon was taken from Psalm 145. If you want to hear it, go to sermon and look up by last name of speaker. What a blessing! As I was listening, I realized that praising God (though I am often lacking in this area) is the first and main reason that I blog. What do we have to boast in? - nothing, but our God and His Word! I'll not mention all that Pastor Laitres relayed, but would encourage you to take just 40 minutes or so to be encouraged in the Lord!

“I will extol thee, my God, O King; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.” Psalm 145:1

God brought to my memory again, to be thankful for a mother who has taught me through her example and continues to teach me to praise our God daily. Remember, your children are watching you - especially in the day to day words you speak. We have no children and you don't know how many times we've heard, "well, if you had kids you'd...." One thing I do know is that God's Word is true. Whether we have children or not, we impact the ones who we are around, whether our own or someone else's. Pastor Laitres addresses that subject and it's just another thing that was a blessing contained in this sermon. Of course, the Word of God is our best teacher.

I hope that you have a blessed day and thanks so much for stopping by the Hill.

“One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.” Ps. 145:4

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought to look up Pastor L on sermon audio. Will have to do that next time I am ironing, which should be today!
    You are right you do influence those around you and we are thankful for your godly influence. We are so blessed to know your Mom too, she is a precious jewel of praise for our God.
    I just noticed your chair caning on the side!
