Friday, July 8, 2011

In Memory of Friends

Recently I had a day out with the girls. All we did was go to lunch, but at a place reserved for only our special days. We poked around in a fancy bric-a-brac store, then a thrift shop. It was such a nice afternoon. As I sat at lunch I thought of all the girlfriends - spread far and wide - that I wished could be there.

A friend is such a special thing. Syd is my best friend on earth, and we do everything together. Last night he said that he was planning on getting out of work a bit early today, so as not to go into overtime. My first thought, "where do we want to go?" He went on to say that he thought he'd go fishing. That is a good thing - and I hope he takes a friend. I remember two fishing trips that Syd took with buddies. I have never seen him any happier than he was after those week-long trips! I'm convinced that it was the time with other guys; and in this case, time in fellowship in the Bible with these men. How important it is to spend time talking to others who are like you, and with whom you have a special connection.

The following is a poem I wrote about a special friend of mine. She and I are spread far apart by miles now. I miss her a lot, but we still connect every time we talk.

Someone to share a feeling, a sigh, a sadness;
This is my friend.
We remember a joke, a memory, a single happening
like it was yesterday.
Though it is long gone, it lives on between us.
One word can bring it back
to both of us at the same time.
The feeling of mirth is reborn and we toss our heads back
like we did that very day!
This is why you're so close to my heart.
This is my friend.

Today I hope that you can enjoy a special memory of a friend, or better yet, spend time with one!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice post.:)Josh is MY best friend and there is no one I would rather be with but yesterday I was able to visit one of my sweet friends and it was so nice.It is funny how you can go long stretches of time without seeing them but it is nice to know they are there.I was so happy after and so thankful that God gives us friends to enjoy life with.Proverbs 17:17a A friend loveth at all times...
