Saturday, August 6, 2011

Building A Wall

I sat with a sweet christian friend today. Among believers there is always a kindred Spirit because it is the Holy Spirit living in each of us. As we talked I realized just how blessed I am to have her. We have only known each other for one year but we share many similarities and much the same background. With her "story" she encouraged me and I did the same to her. We both thanked each other and the Lord for the "iron sharpening" that was going on. Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

One other thing that came to mind while we talked is just how strong and faithful the Lord is to keep his Word. We both reveled in the fact that we could run to Him with any problem that we had had to face through the years. She has been married one-and-a-half years, I have been for 31 years, but some of the struggles she is now facing were the same that I had faced, and sometimes still do. We were glad to hear that the solution for each of us is the same - RUN to the Lord with the problem, and to no one else! We don't need human beings to solve our "issues", as the world would like us to think. We only need the Lord Jesus Christ. He keeps His Word and rewards those who are faithful to Him. It is certainly nothing within ourselves that makes us stronger, and yet it is the Lord who is building our character.

For the past 15+ years my brother has been working on a rock wall which runs alongside our lane. He started at the bottom of the hill and at each stage the wall has become taller, wider and stronger. That is so much like our faith. At its beginning it may be quite small, but as we proceed "up the hill" the Lord allows more "rocks" to be piled on. As we yield to Him He makes us grow ever stronger and we become one who is covering more area, reaching out wider at our base and able to carry a heavier burden. The wall that the Lord builds can withstand the storms of any adversity that may come upon it.

I see this in the life of this special friend whom I was with today, as well as in the lives of many others around me. There is a strength that presses me on to allow the Lord to build my life to His specifications.

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