Monday, July 23, 2012

Thoughts of Love

Hello, Dear friends. I'm so glad you stopped by!  It's certainly a hot Summer day and I hope you're able to keep cool somehow.

I was just meditating on the fact that God IS love. That is a tremendous truth. If God hadn't authored it, there would not even be any love at all in this world! Much of what we humans think of as "love" is fake and manufactured, and that would be the best there could be if God had not introduced true love.

God showed the true love when He loved us, the unloving, by sending the Son to shed his blood and die for our sin on the cross.

Praying for particular "problems" took me to I Corinthians 13 today and there were the verses on what true love displays. Charity (love) suffers long; it is kind. It does not envy others or vaunt itself and is not puffed up. It does not behave unseemly, doesn't seek its own. It is also not easily provoked and thinks NO evil (wow). Love does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. All of those verses along with verse 7 say so beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things and endureth all things.

Just think; God looks at us that way. He believes in us, endures with us and doesn't think evil of us. What a wonderful, perfect God we serve. How we need to LOVE and obey Him with all of our heart and how we need to love one another as He loves us. It's such a GREAT, HUGE love. Only our Lord can make us begin to share a love like this. It must be a great matter of prayer and heart-openness to Him so that He can put that kind of love into us.

The thought was short, but there is so much to think about and pray on. Take care and thanks so much for stopping by today.


  1. You are SO good with words Mrs V!!! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  2. Short yes but short is perfect for busy Moms :). Some-days short is all my mind can handle and though short there is LOTS to think on there:). Thank you!
    Special prayer request:
    The Miller family would really appreciate prayer for Joshua.

  3. Blessed and encouraged. Short is better for my comprehension. :O)
