Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reflections on the Pond

Our pond is quite small.  In early Spring it is alive with frogs.  The chorus is deafening until you step just close enough - when all sound STOPS.   The patient visitor can stand quite near, very still, and then the voice of first one, then two, three - and soon the symphony begins again; hundreds of tiny individuals, singing their hearts out.

Though not very large, this body of water gives a beautiful reflection.  Perhaps the stonewall lends its beauty to it, or the few flags that blossom for a short time near its shore.  The tree tops and sky; clouds floating among leaves and reeds, which hide an occasional turtle, salamander or mallard duck.  Upon the drake's movement, ripples drift across the surface.  All pictures are distorted for several minutes.  Slowly everything comes into focus again.

I walk through life; it is a small life in many eyes.  My Lord is the focus and strength of it.  My husband is my best friend.  I have wonderful family and very dear friends.  The Lord has blessed us with a small house and both Syd and I have jobs to keep us busy and to provide the money for our needs to be met.  While walking this way of "life", I pray that I will only reflect the greatness of the Lord.  The sky is the largest "picture" on our pond.  My Lord is in the heavens; in a place that none of us here on earth know very much about.  I have been reconciled to this great Creator God because of the work of His Son on the Cross, shedding His blood for my sin.  I pray that this is the focus of another's gaze as they look upon my small reflection in the pond of life.

These two images were taken yesterday.  On my way home I was blessed to see the sweet duck, standing there waiting for me; hoping for her picture to be taken.   I couldn't disappoint her.

I hope you have a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written! Your posts which provide a spiritual application to our beautiful surroundings are so encouraging -- to me, and I trust to others as well. Thank you for sharing!
