Friday, June 24, 2011

A Study in Contentment

As I was driving to work this morning I realized what a wonderful example of contentment our dog, Ruger, is to me.  At the mention of the word "go", as in, "okay, it's time to go to work..." he is IN the car.  He never knows where he's going but trusts me, come what may.  You can see his wheels spinning when we turn onto certain roads.  He is one who studies the road quite intently.  As I pass one of my workplaces, he looks up the driveway longingly (his friend, Chloe, is often there to play).   When I pull into our destination Ruger is happy to stay in the car, sometimes waiting for long periods for me to return.  He always knows that I am coming back.  He's especially happy when he can go in with me, as being with  people who love him is his favorite place to be.   Sure, at times he gets tired of it all.  Just last night (after a long day of being hard at work, laying around), he was glad to be on his way HOME, where he could run!  His curled up position in the front seat changed abruptly upon hearing the blinker.  I turned down a road that we seldom take and Ruger's brow furrowed.  He lay back down, head on the console and gave an audible and definate, "sigh!"   I truly felt bad for him as I knew that he would be in the car for yet another hour, at least.  He was rewarded with a small treat, a reminder that I understood and that we'd be home soon.

When my Lord says to me, "go", how do I react?  Am I ready?  Do I run to do His bidding?  I have a trustworthy God who will never lead astray.  Though I don't know where my Lord is leading on any particular day,  I should be studying His way intently; ready to wait long periods of time, perhaps, for answered prayer or guidance in any certain direction.  I know that He is coming back, and will not leave nor forsake me.  Also, am I longing to be with my Lord?  happy for the fellowship that only He can give?   Yes, I may have set-backs.  Sometimes I "sigh" and get discouraged.  The Lord is always there to remind me how much He loves me and to just trust Him.

It is amazing what we can learn from those with whom we spend time.  The Bible says (this may not be a exact quote, as I do not have the Scripture before me at this time), "iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."  Even 'man's best friend' taught me a lesson today!  I hope we can sharpen each other's contenances as we share things from God's Word together.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute story and how true that is that we should learn to be truly content.I could almost hear that "sigh".
