Tuesday, April 1, 2014

On Our Knees in the Garden

I am looking so forward to snowless Spring - the days when things start popping up through the ground. Unfortunately, with it comes our beautiful little coltsfoot (also referred to as coughwort or horsehoof, and very medicinal - come and get it!) It starts out as the first color we see along the top of our driveway, quite enjoyable, really. Tiny little sunspots after a world of white!

Soon these beautiful spirit-lifters become a terrible pest. Their root-system travels just an inch or so underground and is almost impossible to rid the land of. A person can spend all of a day on their knees, but if one little piece is left - up comes another bright yellow face, grinning up at you as if to say, "you haven't got ALL of me yet!" Rooting up this bitter fruit is a difficult task. It takes much time on our knees.

God's Word warns of a root also; the "root of bitterness" that can come into our soul. If we allow bitterness to take root, it WILL spring up and trouble us and defile MANY, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord; Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled." Hebrews 12:14,15

God brings things into the life of a Christian for a good reason (Romans 8:28). Let it drive us to our knees in prayer, forgiveness, and searching the Scriptures. If there is a root of bitterness there, pull it out right away. So often things can distract us and cause such a burden that we leave off serving God and interceding for others in prayer. This root certainly will bring trouble to our souls and anyone we come in contact with.

God uses many measures to drive us to our knees; 
sometimes to pull the weeds, 
sometimes to deadhead the flowers, 
but other times to pick the fruit. 
Do not be discouraged, but believing!


  1. Many hours of prayer and meditation in the garden bent over or on the knee. Wonderful spiritual place.

    1. In the Garden with Him (: Take care, my friend.
