Friday, May 11, 2012

Of Mushrooms and Asparagus

Janet had written about chanterelle mushrooms, which I had not encountered yet.  Here is a picture of them. I am hoping that she will write more about them and where she finds them, send a photograph, etc. so that I can see what they really look like "in the wild". I do not know if I have seen these anywhere before, but probably have.
And then there's the Puffball. I should really learn the correct name. I just know we loved stomping on them once they dry up, to see the "smoke" come out! I have heard that when you get them fresh and young they are perfectly wonderful sliced and fried in olive oil with garlic. I truly plan on trying this next time I see one.
I am no expert on mushrooms, nor am I on any wild foods. Before I experiment with wild things I do so by talking to people who have tried them, reading articles or looking on the internet to learn as much as I can concerning them. At the same time, I really don't want these God-given treasures to go by,  having never at least tried them!

Hope you'll experiment too. Has anyone been picking wild asparagus yet? I know of only three or four stalks here on Darling Hill and I haven't walked up to see if they're ready. These I always eat raw, as they're too tempting to carry ALL the way down to the house...just to cook a few stalks!

We are expecting company today. My friend, Dottie, just might be up to going out on a walk with me & Mom to look for morels in a little patch I know about here on the Hill (that patch is a secret, sorry, I can't divulge!).  Have a wonderful day and thanks so much for stopping by. Don't forget to leave a comment and give us some of your experiences on what you're picking and eating these Spring days!


  1. Hi Mrs V,
    I am one of the worlds biggest chickens when it comes to picking and eating wild things. I love fiddleheads but always worry that I may find a poisonous kind. Is there even such a thing? Someday I would love to get a book on edible plants (with detailed pictures). :)
    We have been eating asparagus. it is not wild though as Josh rescued it from Agway when they were getting rid of it at the end of season. I have enjoyed some fresh too. :)

  2. There aren't any poisonous fiddleheads to my knowledge. Just don't eat the white furry ones, as they are bitter. Oftentimes I find these "natural" books at 2nd hand stores pretty reasonable. Euell Gibbons was a good writer for these. Yes, we are eating the Agway asparagus. Mom's comes up each year, not alot, just a few dinners. Yum!!
