Friday, March 23, 2012

Busy on a Spring Sick Day

The sun is shining and the breeze is beautiful here on Darling Hill. Mom and I washed sheets early this morning and hung them out. Syd is still moving slow and he and I took a very gentle stroll up to take a sit on the deck with Mom and watch the sheets dry while the dogs romped and Ruger barked at the neighbor dogs below the hill. I am taking a much-needed day off, with the added benefit of being sick. Last night every joint began to ache and my throat (which I had noticed getting sore at the PO in the afternoon) became raw. Syd was already experiencing this "cold?" and on top of healing from his operation, is still feeling pretty yucky. He did call the doctor yesterday to see whether this weakness and bleeding was normal. They said, "yes, as this is the second operation; all is normal", and not to push it. We hope that his strength is totally built back up before the third operation in a couple of weeks! Praying to this end. So today I am popping Tylenol and Advil and, despite a sore throat, am getting quite a bit done.

I love this picture of Ruger spending time sympathizing with Syd. He has been very in-tune with him during recovery.

Mom went to see the doctor yesterday too - thanks to all of you who have been praying for her leg pain. She has, as suspected, sciatica. We had already started one particular exercise (which takes care of my sciatica every time) and are continuing it, but with more determination now. The doctor suggested that we take her to a physical therapist and he wants to see her back there next month. I'm thankful that it is nothing that must keep her in bed or in a chair. Walking is actually good for sciatica, but there are a few modifications that we have to try to get her to do. Thanks for continued prayer along this line.

Though a lot of people told me not to do it, I have gotten all our summer clothes out and winters put away! The bedroom has been slightly rearranged and vacuumed. It has been a great day.

Yesterday, the 2nd FULL day of spring, the rose-breasted grosbeak returned to our side of the hill! I could hear his bright, melodic voice sounding out from a nearby treetop.  We'd seen him at my mother's feeder in recent months, but I had not heard his sweet singing all winter. Perhaps he was here but changes his tune once the weather warms up!

I'm thankful that much of our mud is drying up. Isn't this a hilarious picture? I'm so glad that this is NOT Ruger under there, though it looks like him. It's just a picture that someone emailed me and I love it. I can't decide whether this dog looks really happy or shocked.

Well, the wind and sun are calling me outside to sit with the pooches and drink a cup of coffee. Thanks for stopping by and come again soon! Happy Spring!

1 comment:

  1. That picture is too funny! I thought it really was Ruger :).
    That is good picture of Ruger keeping close to Mr. V!
    Praying that you will soon be better.
    I think you should have kept your snow boots out :)!!!
    Lord willing we will see you tomorrow!
